Friday, July 3, 2009

Trying to keep cool

So not too much has been going on since I last checked in. We have been trying to keep cool. It has been extremely hot lately so we have been staying indoors. So that has been a little tough at times. We have been doing a lot of crafts and painting and dress up. Peyton is now sitting up without any help and is crawling. Well it is more like a military crawl. She keeps her belly on the ground and pushes with her feet and pulls with her elbows. She is starting to try to get on her hands and knees, but she can get where she wants to. We are in that phase again where we have to be very observant about what is around her and what she can reach. It is just harder with the 2nd because Avery still leaves things around. We have been working with her and she is doing pretty well, but she is only 3 and Chris and I don't always put up our stuff either (and she will let us know). It is funny to see the differences in the girls already. Avery loved eating, if it was food she would inhale it. Not Peyton, she just wants to nurse. We started her on cereal, but she wasn't crazy about it. We just started carrots and she likes that more, but she still is not real impressed with it. She does love to drink out of a cup (water). She drinks some of it, but most of it ends up on her clothes. We have now gotten the jumper and exersaucer out. Taking up more of the living room, but she loves them, specially the jumper. She just jumps and jumps in it. She is just growing. I can't believe she is almost 1/2 a year!
Avery has been busy herself. She is as always being mischievous. She went back to school this week (2 day a week). She isn't sold on her new teacher. She still wants her old teacher. She does like her new teacher she is just used to her old own. She still enjoys going to school and looks forward to it. She is becoming quite the swimmer. She is really trying to swim. She does back flips in the water and is trying to kick and swim. With help she is going down to the bottom of the 3 t0 4ft part of the pool to get her diving sticks. We are going to Schlitterbahn soon so I hope she will go down some of the rides this year and have fun. Other than that not too much is going on. Catch you up soon.

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